Der Nordwand/The North Face czyli o zdobywaniu polnocnej sciany gory Eiger
Der Baader Meinhof Complex terrorysci lat 70tych w Niemczech.
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rok 1935 Karl Sedlmayer i Karl Mehringer gina podczas proby zdobycia polnocnej sciany gory Eiger (Eiger =Ogr). 1936 Niemcy Andreas Hinterstoisser i Toni Kurz (w trakcie wspinaczki dolaczaja do nich Austriacy Edi Ranier i Willy Angerer) podejmuja walke z Ogrem. Gina wszyscy podczas proby zejscia (bez zdobycia szczytu, z powodu zlego stanu jednego z Austriakow). Hinterstoisser obmyslil trawers, ktorego nie sposob bylo przejsc w drodze powrotnej bez uprzedniego zostawienia tam liny. To wlasnie miedzy innymi stalo sie powodem tragedii. Jedyny ktory mial szanse na przezycie-Toni Kurz zmarl zawieszony na linie zaledwie kilkadziesiat centymetrow od ratownikow. Jego ostatnie slowa to Ich kann nicht mehr - Juz nie moge. Jeszcze przez pare miesiecy mozna bylo zobaczyc przez lornete wiszace cialo Kurza.
Gora zostala zdobyta w 1938 przez zespol dwoch Niemcow i dwoch Austriakow. Do tej pory jednak zbiera smiertelne zniwa.
my head is full of thoughts at the moment
thanks two German movies i've seen recently
first one is a North face/Nord wand about climbing on Eiger Mountain :
Traumatic tale
The first to get really high on the face were Max Sedlmayer and Karl Mehringer who in 1935 were halted by bad weather. Their bodies were spotted weeks later. The following year saw one of the most traumatic episodes in the Eiger's history. Four young climbers - Andreas Hinterstoisser, Edi Ranier, Willy Angerer and Toni Kurz - made a renewed attempt on the north wall. Hinterstoisser opened up a route to the summit with a brilliant traverse but it could not be reversed without a rope in place. After being caught up in a huge storm they were unable to retreat the way they had come and all four were killed. Toni Kurz perished hanging from his abseil rope only feet from a rescue team. The would-be rescuers tried to reach the stricken climber from a window which emerges onto the face from the railway tunnel running right through the mountain. But a knot prevented him sliding any further towards the outstretched arms and his own fingers were so badly frozen he could not free himself. The rescuers had to withdraw for the night despite the stricken climber's pleas not to be left alone. When they returned the next morning he was much weaker and with the words "Ich kann nicht mehr" (I cannot go on) he died almost within reach of safety.
After more failed and fatal attempts to climb the mountain by its most difficult face, a group of four finally managed to put up a route.
Two Germans, Anderl Heckmair and Ludwig (Wiggerl) Vorg, and the Austrians Fritz Kasparek and Heinrich Harrer, joined forces in 1938 to make the first ascent. The dramatic tale was recounted in Harrer's book The White Spider which is named after the distinctive ice field near the summit and has become a mountaineering classic. Kurz's body was visible from Kleine Scheidegg telescopes for months as it hung on the ropes where he died before he could be rescued

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Baader Mainhof Complex to historia Andreasa Baadera, Gudrun Ensslin i Ulriki Meinhof i grupy
miejskich guerillas w zachodnich Niemczech. Inspirowany komunizmem terroryzm sprzeciwial sie ideologii faszystkowskiej. Czas ich dzialalnosci nazywany jest czasem "Niemiecka Jesien". Ciagle budza kontrowersje i dziela Niemcy na zwolennikow i przeciwnikow.
seond movie is Baader Meinhof Complex
The Red Army Faction (German: Rote Armee Fraktion), shortened to RAF and in its early stages commonly known as Baader-Meinhof Group or Gang, was one of postwar West Germany's most violent and prominent groups who advocated communist-inspired terrorism. The RAF described itself as a communist "urban guerrilla" group engaged in armed resistance against what they deemed to be a fascist state. The RAF was formally founded in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof. Irmgard Möller and Brigitte Mohnhaupt joined early in 1971.The Red Army Faction existed from 1970 to 1998, committing numerous operations, especially in the autumn of 1977, which led to a national crisis that became known as "German Autumn". It was held responsible for 34 deaths, including many secondary targets—such as chauffeurs and bodyguards—and many injuries in its almost 30 years of activity. Although more well-known, the RAF conducted fewer attacks than the Revolutionary Cells (RZ), which is held responsible for 296 bomb attacks, arson and other attacks between 1973 and 1995
Do tego Baadera gra jeden z moich ulubionych aktorow (znany przede wszystkim z filmow Toma Tykwera) Moritz Bleibtreu.
In both movies you can see Johanne Wokalek, in Nordwand she plays friend of climbers Luise Fellner and in Baader Meinhoff she is Gudrun Esslin
To all that Baader is played by one of my favourite German actor (mostly known to me from Tom Tykwer's movies) Moritz Bleibtreu.
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